Help Everyone Explore & Learn from Data with AI Easily.

IZI Analytics Platform with Generate AI makes exploring, visualizing, and publishing data easy for your Odoo  Our AI will generate hundreds of analysis possibilities from a table. Explore and generate visualization easily!

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Generate your Analysis with AI

This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.

Easily to Generate AI for your report   

Easily to Generate hundreds of analysis possibilities from a table.

Ready Analysis Template

Non-technical users analyze and build their own charts without writing SQL. Many template you can choose.

Very Clean & Modern Chart

Extract data from various data sources, not only Odoo. Data source connectors to external Spreadsheet, PostgreSQL, MySQL Databases, External APIs and more

Chat & Explain with AI

You need analysis but don’t know what best analysis you want?. Don’t worry AI will give you recomendation

Various Visualization & Configuration

Every chart can also be configured in more detail such as changing the radius of a pie chart, the position of the legends, etc.

Easily set the metrics and dimensions.

All the fields from the analysis table will appear on the left panel. We can easily setup our metrics and dimensions by clicking on them.

We can also set the order (ascending or descending), the calculation applied for the metrics, and the format for each dimensions.


Ready Existing Analysis & Generate with AI.

Unleash Limitless Analysis Possibilities with Our AI-Powered Engine!. Instantly Explore and Generate Dynamic Visualizations.

Let your business users select existing analysis and build the dashboard

See Iziapp grow your business?

What are you waiting for, do your data analytics now, determine your business decisions for the future of your company. Let's Start