Data Visualization

Data visualization is a technique for presenting data visually so that it is easily understood by observers. By using graphs, charts, or maps, data visualization helps us to understand data and find patterns or correlations that might not be seen by only looking at data in tabular or text form.

Data visualization in your odoo dashboard can also assist in the decision-making process. By presenting data visually, we can make more informed decisions precisely and fast, because we can easily find the information wanted.

Apart from that, data visualization can also help in explaining ideas or concepts to others. By using a graph or diagram, we can easily explain ideas or concepts to others, even if they don't have the same background as us.

Data visualizations can be created using a variety of device software, such as Microsoft Excel, Odoo, or even programming programs like Python or R. However, it is important to remember that data visualization must be well made in order to provide useful information and not confuse observers.

Let's try

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Meet IZI Analytic Dashboard & KPI. Analyze with Advanced Calculation.
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Iman Akbar Ibrahim 20 January, 2023
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